Reach your career and family life goals with the MoMBA™


The MoMBA™ (Mom MBA) is a 12-month career, leadership, and personal growth skill-building program for successful, educated moms working in competitive corporate careers or STEM/STEAM fields, supported with strategic hybrid group and 1-1 mentorship.

This program is a perfect fit for individuals planning for a family, on parental leave, returning to work, or with older children.

Mama, tell me if this feels like you:


🔥 You've poured your heart and soul into your engineering, corporate, or management career, but sometimes it feels like you're hitting a wall, not reaching the heights you know you're capable of.

🚀 Despite your expertise, you may still wrestle with doubts about your ability to harmonize career ambitions with motherhood responsibilities.

💪 Tired of navigating these challenges alone, you crave a supportive community of like-minded individuals who understand your journey.

🌟 You're ready for more—for your career, your finances, your overall well-being—and you know it's time to take action to achieve your full potential.


👩‍🔬 MoMBA™: Empowering Mothers in STEM and Leadership is now enrolling.


Kirsten, P.Eng., mom of two, senior leader

"I have looked everywhere and compared the MoMBA to so many other programs online. There’s nothing like it that provides the same value for the investment, the level of 1-1, group, and content support."


Joelle, P.Eng., mom, manager 

"For me, the gains over a lifetime with just being able to make these shifts in your mindset is huge. If it makes my relationship better with my husband, and makes that relationship better with my daughter, and makes me a better employee, and makes me less stressed out for the rest of my life… all of those gains become huge."

If you're ready to unlock more joy, success, and harmony in your life as a working mom, then you're in the right place. Ready to unleash your potential and transform your career and family life? The doors to the MoMBA™ are now open, and trust me, you don't want to miss out on these epic bonuses!


You could make your investment back with one promotion! And if you take action on your wealth plan during our October money month, taught by our wealth partner firm, the gains can compound to hundreds of thousands over your lifetime!


Here's what you'll get inside this transformational program:


🚀 Weekly Customized Group Sessions with Kinia, our accomplished program alumni, and guest speakers: Gain insights, inspiration, and practical strategies from experts and fellow moms who understand your journey.

📱 Access to our Learning App: Learn on the go with convenient access to resources, exercises, and community support wherever you are. Make progress even starting at 5 to 15 minutes per day!

💬 Community Support: Join a supportive community of like-minded women who celebrate your successes and offer guidance during challenges.

🌟 Mindset Mastery: Unlock your full potential with our exclusive mindset program, designed to elevate your confidence and resilience.

Read Client Success Stories

Did you know?


In the most competitive and male-dominated fields (like engineering), 43% of women leave their full-time work after having kids?


 12-20% is the average wage gap women face after having kids, which can add up to more than a million dollars in lost wages, bonuses, and other income over a lifetime?


The loss of intimacy in your marriage that comes with overwork, constantly taking care of everyone else first, and putting yourself last, leads 40% of marriages towards divorce?

Let's talk about the “motherhood penalty.” 


Not only does it hit our wallets, but it also affects our sense of worth and purpose in this world, our confidence, and how we feel in our relationship with our partner.


If you’re a highly educated woman whose identity was defined by her career up until you had kids, and you don’t won’t want to be a burnt-out motherhood penalty statistic (while watching new fathers experience a “fatherhood premium” through increased wages and promotions), then read on.




So, how do you know if you’re experiencing “the penalty”?


Are you finding yourself…


full of self-doubt around being a good parent and your ability to spend enough time with your kids, while juggling career goals and financial obligations?


stuck on autopilot, lacking vision for work/life balance, or struggling to clearly define your career and family happiness priorities?


overwhelmed with taking care of yourself and your family, while also trying to squeeze in a peaceful shower between loads of never-ending laundry because the baby is pooping every five minutes?


people-pleasing and lacking boundaries with in-laws or other well-meaning folks who think they know what’s best for your family’s sleep, diet, career, etc. or constantly insert their own opinions on when or whether you should even work while raising a family?


feeling guilty for feeling like you need to hire a housekeeper, babysitter, or personal assistant so that you can FINALLY catch up on some sleep, leave the house solo for a few hours, or go on a well-deserved date night with your husband (or a night out with your friends) because you’re trying to “be it all” between driving your kids to all their extracurricular activities, work, and taking care of a newborn?


being a perfectionist and wildly hard on yourself, thinking you’re the only one who can “do it all,” and  not asking your family or your partner for support in contributing to childcare so that you can have a proper rest or self-care time?


wondering if you got passed on for that promotion, exciting project, or raise because you took time off for maternity leave?


and to add to it all, self-sabotaging through a loud inner critic voice that tells you’ll never have it all and that the “ball has to drop somewhere?”

I’ve been there too.


I was offered a new promotion when I was newly pregnant with my first child, but once I returned from maternity leave, the tables had turned. The amazing schedule and work/life balance that I had negotiated had gone out the window and I was left with “the motherhood penalty.”


I was angry, resentful, tired, and sad. I felt betrayed. I had done “all the right things”: communicating with my manager throughout my leave, securing a win-win agreement, articulating my commitment to my career to my leaders, and negotiating my back-to-work plan in advance.

But this challenge turned out to be an opportunity to work on my mindset, new habits, and personal accountability, and to focus on building strong relationships with clients and colleagues who loved my work. I doubled-down on my efforts to bring them results, creating campaigns and plans so well thought-out and executed I earned rave reviews online.

A year after that experience, I decided to help OTHER mothers avoid the motherhood penalty too and started my education and media company. I grew the company fast while having my second and third child, and while I loved my corporate work, I decided to pursue my business full-time and put my life’s passion first. 

And it’s not just me. Our MoMBA clients have:


 Skyrocketed their confidence, negotiating promotions during or straight out of maternity leave, or getting Fridays off.


➥ Gotten personal development credits from my trainings to maintain their professional designation (for example, in engineering) during their maternity leave, when no other training was accessible to them during that period of life.


 Stopped feeling completely overwhelmed by their never-ending to-do list (which they thought was impossible before) and regained a sense of command over their emotional reactions and schedule.


➥ Spoken up with confidence as the only woman in a room full of men, and set polite and effective boundaries with “difficult” clients.


➥ Transformed their mindset around feeling like a victim of the “motherhood penalty” and became sponsors of other women and promoting them into positions of leadership.


 Negotiated responsibilities with their spouse or partner in a way that was fun and relaxing, leading to romance and not countless arguments about the laundry, the kids’ medical appointments and milestones, and family members popping in unexpectedly for a “surprise visit”.

That’s why our team created the MoMBA.


The MoMBA is a 12-month hybrid group and 1-1 program for successful, educated moms with small kids working in competitive corporate careers or STEM fields, where our team teaches moms how to redefine their identity and values after having children, find work/life balance, rebuild their intimacy and relationships with their partner, and find belonging in an outstanding community of fellow moms so that they create a clear path forward and are never alone with crushing overwhelm, isolation, or fears about balancing life and work after kids again.

During the program, you'll learn:

 How to redefine your career-minded mom identity, design a strategic personal brand and back-to-work/career plan after kids, create work-life balance that doesn’t leave you constantly overwhelmed, feeling lonely, misunderstood, stressed, torn and too tired for romance, and up level your working mom mindset so that you have more time for yourself, your kids, and partner intimacy – all while getting that next promotion or raise, feeling attractive for your partner (and self!), and feeling empowered to make financial choices that are aligned with your new values as a parent AND working woman.

 How to communicate your value and boundaries with confidence so that you feel appreciated, organized, and competent as a working mom and spouse,  instead of overwhelmed, frustrated, or stressed. No more feeling like you are receiving all the “extra” projects at the office without additional recognition for your hard work or that you are the only one taking care of the house and kids while your partner is out enjoying golf on the weekend with the guys.

➥ The mindset, habits, and strategies to create inner calmness (when everything feels like it’s falling apart) and to feel empowered and in TOTAL command of your reactions so that you don’t have a burst of anger or frustration explosion like in the past, even when unexpected events (like a child being sick, a sleepless night, a project landing on your lap last-minute, etc.) end up cancelling that special date night or disrupting your plans.

 How to define your vision, purpose, and life plan after kids with incredible clarity so that in 25 years, you can be sitting with your now-grown-up kids and your partner on a beautiful beach, reminiscing about all the good times you spent together when they were little, celebrating everyone’s careers and life choices, and preparing for retirement with a healthy bank account, a fit body, and a happy marriage that survived the ups and downs of working parenthood and life’s challenges… instead of feeling regret and resentment because you worked too much, feel like you didn’t spend enough time with your family when they were growing up, spent most of your youth so exhausted that years flew by (and all of a sudden you have more wrinkles and grey hairs than you remember), look back at all your marital issues caused by stress, and spent wayyyyy too many years in a job that made you plenty of money but left you feeling lonely and exhausted.

➥ How to manage your energy to have the desire and stamina for intimacy with your partner, instead of spending your evenings scrolling through social media sitting on separate ends of the couch or binge-watching Netflix to numb your mind and emotions after an exhausting day of deadlines at the office, loads of laundry, or scrubbing the sticky highchair after everyone is in bed.

➥ How to manage your time and energy at home AND at work like a CEO so that you regain your sanity (instead of feeling anxious because there’s never enough time in the day), live in alignment with your values of family happiness and health (instead of feeling time-strapped because you’re spending all your free time catching up on chores or life obligations), and stop feeling lonely/judged because you don’t relate to the other moms who don’t work outside the home.




In this program, the information and strategies are neatly broken up into bite-size content and activities (audio, written, and visual) and monthly topics, so that you can make progress in as little as 15-30 minutes a day, whether on your daily walk, during lunch, while nursing the baby, or even listening to an audio while you’re driving, taking a shower, or putting on your makeup!


This program is designed to be incorporated into your day, not an additional task on your to-do list, leaving you empowered to take action on your dreams and not overwhelmed with “more to do.”







To make it even more manageable, at the start of the year-long program, you’ll focus on 4 core areas from our monthly topics for working mother success. These 4 pillars will be your choice, completely customized to you and your needs, and be the focus of our 1:1 work together. The monthly pillars include:


Mindset, clarity, and purpose around balancing family life and career so that you stop feeling constantly overwhelmed, feeling lonely, misunderstood, stressed, torn between your kids and work, living on autopilot

Nurturing strong relationships that support your success as a working mom and end the isolation you may feel as a new parent without a support system (this program is ALL about community and meeting moms JUST like you!)

Career planning so that both you and your partner you can contribute your talents in the most meaningful way that increases your income and puts you on the track towards promotions

Defining what career/life integration looks like for you and living it on a day-to-day instead of being on the fast-track to burnout, quitting your job, or seeing your marriage crumble under the pressure of non-stop work

 Building a financial plan that will give you the time-freedom you are seeking and the wealth to secure you and your kids’ future so that you have more time to spend with them as they grow up

➥ Leadership and career skills to catapult you to your next promotion or more meaningful job

➥ Diversity and inclusion training so that you can become a mentor and sponsor to others who need you, as well as advocate for yourself and other working moms in the office

Designing your personal brand statement to show up confidently in networking or job-hunting events and on social media, so you make memorable and impactul first impressions, expose yourself to more opportunities, and help your boss and team be clear on where you want to go next in your career so they can let you know about opportunities at work, even when you’re on maternity leave

Health and nutrition for working moms so that you are able to fuel your body with the energy you need to reach all your ambitious goals WITHOUT burnout

Parenting in alignment with your identity and values so your family can look back on your time together in 25 years, be filled with joy and pride, and have your kids always trust you and look up to you for guidance and advice

Building a family life vision so that you spend the precious time outside of work and school exactly on what matters to you: laughter-filled dinners, vacations, time in nature, enjoying art, adventures, or sports, instead of letting the weekends slip away on chores, being a taxi driver, and catching up on work

Identifying and securing the support systems that you need to accomplish all your ambitious career, parenting, health, and income goals.

Not only do you receive an entire membership portal with access to all this content for the next 12-months, but you also receive community support through the group element of the program, where you’ll be able to connect with other moms experiencing some of the exact same things as you in corporate and at home so that you never feel alone again.


PLUS, you’ll also receive private 1:1 calls with our team to customize your learning plan and to personally guide you through challenges at work, mindset beliefs holding you back from earning the money you deserve, and any frustrations that come with balancing work and raising your beautiful family over the course of the year.


When you sign up for the MoMBA program, you’ll receive:

Direction on how to integrate the program so that you feel like you have MORE time (not less) because of joining the community. We get it, you’re super busy. This program was built by busy moms, for busy moms!

A personalized vision-board designed and created by our team, that maps out your dream life and goals, plus a values board that realigns you with the things you care about MOST in life so that you don’t veer off course, are able to remind yourself what your ultimate plan for your life is, stay accountable, and energetically calibrate yourself daily to the life you’re aiming for – without overwhelm, stress, or fear that it won’t happen anytime soon.

Weekly live, group expert calls with our team that discuss how to redefine your career-minded mom identity, design a strategic personal brand and back-to-work/career plan after kids, create work-family life integration on your terms, and level up your working mom mindset, so that whatever ups and downs there are in life, finances, family, or at work, you can access a sense of inner peace, calm, and confidence that everything will be all right; and never feel alone, confused, isolated, and lost in making those decisions, because you will have a life-long community by your side.

 Four 1-1 calls with a program guide throughout the year, one every quarter, during which we get crystal clear on your chosen core pillar priorities for the year, work through struggles that are coming up at home or at the office, and bust through any beliefs that are holding you back from the money, work/life balance, and mom-guilt-free life you desire.

One-year access to our online portal and social learning app on your phone where you’ll receive daily, bite-size chunks of content (podcasts, articles, quotes, polls) that will transform your mindset, help you take action, and build community with all the other mommas in the program so that you never feel alone in your struggles.

Your personal roadmap through the year-long program, custom designed and created together with me, so that you know exactly what you need to do to reach your corporate and motherhood goals and the timeline to achieve them.

Workbooks, worksheets, and trainings/resources for every pillar within the program so that you can create a well-rounded approach holistically to your life, while also focusing on the areas you need the most support in the 1:1 and group component.

All in a way that fits with YOUR busy schedule so you can easily weave in amazing results while taking care of your family and career.

Our expert guest speakers in financial planning, personal branding, health, and women’s leadership cover topics like:
  • Tackling the financial and career motherhood penalty so that you secure your financial well-being, even when you are taking career pauses for child-rearing.
  • Turning the clock back ten years, inside and out, through cutting-edge nutrition and fitness techniques that will boost your energy and adopt a preventative approach to your health so that once your kiddos are grown, you can still enjoy years of energy and an active lifestyle.
  • Building your personal brand, which will accelerate how fast you get your next promotion or raise so that you can do the work you LOVE and get compensated FAIRLY for it.
  • Key leadership skills, like emotional intelligence, that help you navigate difficult workplace politics and emotionally charged conversations with more confidence, calm, and ease.

To have your next steps laid out in a customized road map, and a newfound sense of clarity on how you can get started TODAY, book a free strategy session with us!




“Ever since my first clarity session with Kinia, I’ve gained tons of confidence about my leadership skills. And confidence is what got me to seek and earn a promotion right after my mat leave. I am so grateful to the MoMBA community for helping me plant the seeds of my success.”

Kirsten, P. Engineer



“I feel like my mat leave has been spent a lot more productively. Through the MoMBA, I’ve been able to be in control of my emotions, my time and the whole mat leave transition instead of just reacting to the whims of my child. It has been really freeing and empowering.”

Brittany, P. Engineer


“I didn’t want to just exist anymore. I wanted to thrive. I wanted to have a great family life and a successful career, even though everyone says you can’t do well at both. So I said ‘yes’ to myself, joined the MoMBA program, and now I know better. You can have a thriving family life and the career you want. You just have to start by shifting your mindset, and that’s when the magic happens.”

Megan, P. Engineer




Kinia Romanowska is a well-traveled award-winning journalist turned entrepreneur, maternity leave strategist, and working mom whisperer.

A wife and mom of three passionate about making sure the next generation doesn’t experience the “motherhood penalty”, she is the founder of Pros&Babes and creator of the MoMBA, the pioneering 360-leadership and personal development program for the busy, ambitious mom in Canada.

She helps highly educated moms, who have careers in male-dominated, demanding, or competitive fields, redefine their career-minded mom identity, design a strategic personal brand and back-to-work/career plan after kids, create work-life balance, and up level their working mom mindset so that they have more time for themselves and their family – all while getting that next promotion.

Kinia is:

  • A featured guest on Global News, CTV, CBC, MAKE_SOMETHINGEDMONTON
  • A speaker with APEGA, Ontario Society of Professional Engineers, Enbridge, Women Engineers Society, Foreign Affairs Canada, and more
  • Well traveled to over 40 countries with communication and development projects all over Europe, Guatemala, the former Yugoslavia, Turkey, Zambia, and Azerbaijan
  • An award-winning community builder
  • An award-winning investigative journalist
  • An online magazine creator
  • An experienced conference and event planner, with corporate communications in the public sector